
Monday, May 30, 2011

QUESTION BANK Acid & Base and Salt

Science (Acid,Bases & Salts)           
     1.What is the colour change when you add blue litmus to sour substances?
     2.Name two synthetic indicators.
     3.Which acid is present in lemon juice?
     4.Baking soda solution can be used as a remedy for which type of ailments?
     6.Name two natural indicators.              
    18.Name the natural source of acetic acid.
     30.What is the pH range  between which our body works?
    34.What is deliquescent salt? Give example.                            
    37.A tarnished copper vessel begins to shine when rubbed with lemon. Why?
    41.What  happens when chlorine is passed through slaked lime?

     5.What is meant by neutralization?
     7.What is the colour of methyl orange in acidic solution?
     8.What is meant by dilution?
     9.What is a universal indicator?
    10.On what factors does the strength of a base depend?
    11.Give example of common antacid.
    12.Write the chemical name & formula of bleaching powder.
    13.Name the compound used for removing hardness of water.
    14.Which gas is released when an acid reacts with a metal?
    15.What are the salts of sulphuric acid called?
    16.What is difference between washing soda and soda ash?
    17.Give one point difference between an alkali and a base.
    19.When metal carbonates react with acids which gas is produced?
    20.What do all acids and bases have in common?
    21.Give one example of strong acid and weak acid.
     22.What is the chemical name of hardest substance in our body?
     23.What is dead burnt plaster ?
     24.What is milkiness due to when carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water?
     25.What are olfactory indicators ?
     26.On what factors does the strength of an acid depend?
     27.What happens when metal oxides react with acids?
     28.Nmae four families of salts.
     29.What happens when sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated?
     31.Why is sulphuric acid called king of chemicals?
     32.What are anhydrous and hydrated salts? Explain with examples.
     33.What is the diiference between a strong base and weak base? Give two example of each.
    35.Why is tartaric acid added into baking soda to get baking powder?
    36.With the help of chemical equation explain how a soda acid fire extinguisher helps in putting out fire.
    38.How is plaster of paris different chemically different from gypsum?How may they be interconverted?
    39.What is efflorescence? Give example.
    40.Write any three chemical prorerties of acids.
    42.Define monobasic, dibasic and tribasic acids.
    43Define an acid in terms of ions.
    44.What is the role of water in litmus test of an acid?
    45.Define base in terms of ions.

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